Saturday, June 21, 2008


Adroit- you 'Neither 'Either though,
Uncouth you took what 'Errand though,
Nonsense! what a 'Loony you though.
Take me to 'Apogee of your thoughts.
Yobbish all 'Murk in your eyes.
Jeopardy-another 'ice word
Ineffable I, 'Doubtfully describe self.
But I See What Ascetic Life
yes, just pieces of broken glass again...

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Pacified you think you are?
Hey! pal then be not again,
peep at what history has on my face.

Lets sing our paeans of joy.
Lets ride our palominos to triumph.
And let all paparazzo's make a run for.

Yes! though this is not panacea of life.
But yet not to remorse to this paradox.
They may describe us paranoia.
But yet we'll put panoplous ends.

Hey! pal live it whole.
may be not become some parvenu tomorrow.
Well nor have paucity of any kind.
Pauper they may think we are.
Correct! they be but yet pacified we are.