Thursday, November 21, 2013


Hey there! what are you looking at?
i am not lost in this moor,
nor am i drunk from yesterday.
i am not what you may think.

A spot to sit and meditate?
i need none its easy this way.
Already spent years long,
looking for good new ways

Don't reason now; you Holy
Lot good lectures i relayed.
Back then was a fool;
little more fool i am now.

Not another lonely soul here,
all friends on speed dial.
Not cramped with, "I need some space"
my world a pretty big place.

Running away is not my game,
else you wont see me here.
Head first and run into unknown
that is how i walk my friend.

But today i am here for you.
Your little boat at winds grace.
Get in and row to which shore you shall;
i can not take without your will.

Not that Samaritan from chapters old
my journey has no meaning alone.
These waters I forever tread,
many like you I bear a hand.

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